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Lakehall at Nena’s Sanctuary: A perpetual state of sunshine

Dark skies may linger over us in the aftermath of Carina, as they certainly did on the way to Lakehall, the events place of Nena’s Sanctuary at Sta. Elena Estates. But “events place” is too insufficient a term to describe such an inviting space in the middle of nature, which in any weather seems to exist in a perpetual state of sunshine.

The drizzle never let up during Lakehall’s first anniversary banquet, yet the vast hall’s interiors were sunny and warmed up by colorful flowers that graced a serpentine arrangement of round tables. Their in-house floral experts Spruce and styling team Moss flawlessly transformed the place into the perfect spot for your special occasion, stylish but not stiff, charming yet not casual.

All of this is reflected in the demeanor of the Tantocos, where warmth and graciousness, an attitude of quiet and accommodating service, makes Lakehall shine in any weather.

For first timers, the drive through Sta. Elena Estates with a gorgeous wall of stately trees is impressive enough, but on Lakehall’s first-year anniversary, the brooding weather rendered the scene even more dramatic, like something out of a moody English countryside.

The deliciously almondy madeleine cake

If it does rain, Lakehall’s staff will aid you with umbrellas or golf carts to fetch you and your guests from your cars, so not to worry.

On its first anniversary, Lakehall has many new offerings to delight prospective couples, debutantes and even corporate clients like Hermès.

Lovely mini-naked cake

We were there to sample delicious coffee from Pilgrim’s Coffee Shop, offerings from a pasta bar (where the pesto ravioli was a winner), a carving station with cochinillo and lamb plus a buffet with duck among a plethora of delights, a full spread of colorfully healthy salads and a dessert bar that deserves its own mention.

That’s because the madeleine cake, mini naked cakes, pavlova, lemon cakes, mini buko profiteroles and more had me — take note — get dessert first, not to eat immediately but to keep in front of me as I had lunch so that I could space my meal accordingly.

The ever-youthful Nena Vargas Tantoco

There were fun cocktails, mocktails, a tour of the swoon-worthy deck overlooking a very pretty lake and its secret alcoves. While the leaves dripped water and we took a tour of the forthcoming scenic Rico’s Cafe, birdsong rang out despite the drizzle.

Nicole Tantoco-de los Reyes is the marketing specialist of Lakehall, while husband Miko is the general manager of this welcoming space.

That only goes to show that Lakehall is a sea of sunshine in any weather, and if you’re there to mark a momentous occasion (like a wedding), that’s very good to know!

It was Donnie who summed it up best in his welcome speech: “Nena’s Sanctuary, as you may know, is a tribute to my parents Nena and Rico. And we tried to translate their values, their character , their artistry, their passion for nature into the landscape, architecture and ethos of this place.”

Nena Vargas Tantoco had earlier told me how happy she was that her children were doing these tributes while she and her husband Rico were still around to enjoy them!

Donnie added, “And when we look at the last year we are encouraged and very grateful for the many meaningful experiences and joyful memories that have happened here in this modern and luxurious space. Here at Lakehall in Nena’s Sanctuary, there is a very special convergence among the lakeside views, the serene golf course, the lush gardens, that set the stage for unique and cherished events within a contemporary and natural environment.

“This is a sanctuary that is only 50 minutes from Makati and the connection to nature is what we feel gives Lakehall its special spirit. It is amidst nature that we discover something that we need that we were not looking for. And that something that flows from nature fills and invigorates our souls. As my parents would say, immersing in nature even for a moment gives us a mindset, attitude, and emotion of abundance and generosity, in a world of scarcity. Nature somehow humbles us, and transforms a person, a family, a community , a team into our most imaginative most loving, most self-giving , most creative inspired and also our most wondrous selves.”

It was indeed with a sense of wonder that we found ourselves filled that afternoon, a wonder and a sense of contentment born out of the generosity of the Tantocos, the most gracious of hosts.

Credit belongs to : www.philstar.com

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