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The Green Report: The joy of running

The Green Report: The joy of running

In this first episode of 2025, Jee Geronimo and Iya Gozum make the case for running not just as an exercise but also as an opportunity to take up space outdoors

MANILA, Philippines – The start of a new year often inspires many of us to take up a new hobby or two. Some people want to get their creative juices flowing, while others want to move more.

Running is probably one of the most accessible forms of exercise that you can start with. If you have a pair of running shoes and a not-so-busy road to run on, you’re good to go.

In this first The Green Report episode of 2025, Rappler environment editor Jee Geronimo and reporter Iya Gozum make the case for running not just as an exercise but also as an opportunity to take up space outdoors.

Bookmark this page and watch the episode at 5 pm on Saturday, January 18. – Rappler.com

Credit belongs to : www.rappler.com

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