The Department of Education (DepEd) on Tuesday, Jan. 16, confirmed that the Senior High School Voucher Program (SHSVP) has been extended for the enrolled Grade 11 students in government-run Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) this school year (SY) 2023-2024.
DepEd issued the statement amid concerns on the status of Grade 11 learners currently enrolled in State Universities and Colleges (SUC) and Local Universities and Colleges (LUC).
“To prevent any displacement of learners, the DepEd would like to announce that the SHSVP will again be extended to Grade 11 learners currently enrolled in SUCs and LUCs for SY 2023-2024),” the agency said.
“Subsequently, they may also continue on as voucher beneficiaries to complete their Grade 12 studies come SY 2024-2025,” DepEd added.
DepEd said it will be executing a Memorandum of Agreement with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to “formalize the arrangement.”
Meanwhile, DepEd noted that before the start of the current school year, it had issued Order No. 20 s. 2023 which stated that “there should be no more Grade 11 voucher beneficiaries” from SUCs and LUCs for SY 2023-2024.
“Despite this issuance, however, our records show that several SUCs and LUCs still accepted Grade 11 learners for the current school year,” DepEd said.
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