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Essential learning habits for little ones

Parents play an irreplaceable role as the primary teachers in a child's life. Their influence shapes their children's development, abilities, attitudes, and future decisions.

As Filipino parents often emphasize, education is the greatest inheritance they can offer to their children.

However, supporting a child's educational journey requires more than just providing resources. It demands the cultivation of essential learning habits that lay the foundation for lifelong learning.

In an ever-evolving education landscape, parents hold the key to fostering strong learning habits in their children.In an ever-evolving education landscape, parents hold the key to fostering strong learning habits in their children.

In an ever-evolving education landscape, parents hold the key to fostering strong learning habits in their children.

In this article, we will explore the significance of parenting in safeguarding a child's future and highlight the role of

Today, Quipper, a learning management system (LMS) in the Philippines, shares these essential learning habits parents can teach their children.

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Teaching the importance of time management. Time management is a crucial skill for success in academics and life. Parents can guide their children by teaching them how to use time wisely. Encouraging children to maintain a task planner or notebook where they can write down their responsibilities helps them develop organizational skills. Additionally, setting achievable goals and rewarding their completion fosters a sense of accomplishment and motivates them to manage their time effectively.

Setting realistic goals. While parents have high aspirations for their children, it is essential to set realistic goals that consider their individual capabilities and interests. Unrealistic expectations can lead to undue pressure and hinder a child's healthy mindset towards learning. By accepting that mistakes and failures are part of the learning process, parents can encourage resilience and a growth mindset in their children, enabling them to overcome challenges and reach their potential.

Instilling a love for reading. Reading is a gateway to knowledge and a lifelong habit that expands a child's horizons. Parents should introduce children to various genres and encourage reading from an early age. Whether it's children's storybooks, newspapers, or any other engaging material, the act of reading enhances comprehension skills and cultivates curiosity. Discussing what they have read with their parents further deepens understanding and fosters critical thinking.

Fostering collaboration and teamwork. Collaboration and teamwork are essential skills that benefit a child's social and academic development. Parents can promote these skills by engaging their children in joint activities, such as puzzle-solving or cooking together. By working with others, children learn valuable interpersonal skills, including effective communication, problem-solving, and cooperation. These skills not only enhance their classroom experience but also prepare them for future endeavors.

Unwavering support. A cornerstone of effective parenting is providing unwavering support to children in their endeavors. Parents must become their children's number one cheerleaders, encouraging and embracing their interests and passions.

In an ever-evolving education landscape, parents hold the key to fostering strong learning habits in their children. By emphasizing the importance of time management, setting realistic goals, encouraging reading, promoting collaboration, and providing unwavering support, parents create a healthy learning environment for their children.

Credit belongs to : www.manilatimes.net

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